MBR (Membrane Biological Reactor) Purification Plants
Description of System.
In an MBR (Membrane Biological Reactor) plant organic purification with activated sludge technology is combined with that of sludge ultrafiltration through membranes which replace conventional secondary settlers.
Thanks to the highly efficient filtering capability of the membranes, sludge concentrations can be kept considerably higher than in traditional systems, thus increasing the depurative capabilities of the system, with the age of the sludge and consequently reducing the amount of sludge to dispose of.
It also helps respect bacteriological limits without having to resort to disinfection treatments.
The Gazebo MBR plant is highly recommended when:
- high quality effluent is required (e.g. discharging in sensitive areas),
- low TSS content is needed,
- the treated water is going to be reused (for example, for irrigation),
- there is little space available.
The Gazebo MBR system can be easily integrated into a traditional plant, replacing the sedimentation stage and disinfection.
The standard treatment cycle takes place in the different chambers, namely: primary sedimentation, aeration, filtration of the wastewater.
The various electromechanical devices work automatically and are controlled by a local control panel.
Gazebo MBR purification plants can treat wastewater from a population equivalent of between 10 and 1,000.
The same technique can be used to manufacture higher capacity purification plants.
Supplied as standard
The Gazebo MBR Purification Plant consists of a tank which can be manufactured using the innovative “FRC Gazebo System” or “SCC Gazebo System”. It comes with internal chambers for organic oxidation and final filtration and is equipped with all the necessary electromechanical equipment and structural elements:
- PVC inlet and outlet sleeves,
- AISI 304 stainless steel baffles,
- reinforced concrete internal dividing walls,
- blower to produce compressed air,
- air diffusion network;
- local control panel,
- disc diffusers with EPDM membrane,
- ultrafiltration membrane modules,
- submersible control motor pumps.
- special coatings on the internal and external surfaces of the tank,
- pedestrian/vehicle covers,
- manhole covers in ductile iron/galvanised metal sheet /stainless steel,
- can be installed in the presence of groundwater,
- spare machinery.
Small urban and rural communities, artisan and commercial businesses, detached houses, tourist resorts, shopping centres, public bodies.
Gazebo for professionals.
Gazebo helps designers, plant engineers, building contractors. It offers free design services, technical support, promptly drawn up projects, on-site visits and inspections, technical assistance up to installation and short lead times.

Technical documentation.
Professionals interested in specifications, diagrams, tables, technical drawings, dwg and pdf files can access the technical documentation after registering or can fill in the form below for further information.