SCC Gazebo System. Greater durability, greater safety, no problems.
Gazebo System.
The “SCC Gazebo System” uses innovative Gazebo technology and a unique production process to manufacture prefabricated monolithic tanks using self-compacting concrete (SCC).
Gazebo uses rotating formwork to produce the tanks and the concrete curing process is achieved quicker and without steam.
Result: the structure is extremely solid and strong, the tanks have more aesthetic appeal and are perfectly watertight, even when installed above ground. In other words, greater durability, greater safety, no problems.

Technical features of the self-compacting concrete SCC Gazebo System.
- Made with PORTLAND CEMENT (in compliance with UNI EN 197-1) with type 1 mineral additives (calcium carbonate “ventilated filler” ) and aggregates that comply with UNI EN 12620.
- The quicker concrete curing process is achieved without steam giving it considerably greater strength.
C50/60 (Rck ≥ 600 kg/cm2)
C60/75 (Rck ≥ 750 kg/cm2)
C70/85 (Rck ≥ 850 kg/cm2)
EXPOSURE CLASSES (in compliance with UNI EN 206-1)
XC4 (concrete resistant to corrosion induced by carbonation),
XS2/XD2 – XS3/XD3 (concrete resistant to corrosion induced by chlorides),
XF1 – XF2 – XF3 (concrete resistant to freeze/thaw attack),
XA2 (high chemical resistance concrete),
XA3 (very high chemical resistance concrete).
Characteristics of the SCC Gazebo System monolithic tanks.
Internal reinforcements in improved adhesion steel with type B450C electrically welded mesh, factory tested, in compliance with Italian Ministerial Decree of 17.01.2018.
External and internal surfaces with open face finish which is totally free of porosity and gravel nests.
Gazebo for professionals.
Gazebo helps designers, plant engineers, building contractors. It offers free design services, technical support, promptly drawn up projects, on-site visits and inspections, technical assistance up to installation and short lead times.