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Gazebo. Portfolio

Gazebo S.p.A. is a leading producer of wastewater treatment systems and technologies.

Since the early ‘70s, Gazebo has constructed an impressive number of sewage, industrial wastewater and carwash treatment systems.

It can also claim lengthy experience in the realisation of preassembled, quick-installation fixed firefighting systems, wastewater and drinking water lifting and pumping stations and stormwater attenuation .

Exactly 2,488 systems installed for leading public and private sector organisations, reflecting the high quality of the Gazebo offering.

Sewage Treatment Systems for Homes and Businesses

Total Population Equivalent served: 663,541 people

Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems

Total Population Equivalent served: 127,713 people

First Flush Rainwater Treatment Systems

Total run-off surface area:
8,199,050 m2


Total water storage capacity:
11,893 m3

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